Friday, October 29, 2010

at rodeo beach

It takes 5 minutes for the sun to drop below the horizon at Rodeo Beach.

I've had a week off from classes this past week and have only now realized just how needed it was. It's been a week of resting, reading and relating. I've spent two days in the city, one day in wine country, an afternoon on a mountain and an evening at the beach. I had begun to feel like my world at seminary was getting small, until I experienced the many different worlds within a 20 minute drive.

Not every detail has fit together perfectly in this new life of mine. I've had my moments... sometimes hours of frustration or loneliness. Yet, I've been given time here. I have time to take care of myself and find the last missing pieces of healing that I didn't know could be found. Pieces that sometimes come in the form of fresh air and open space.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

mom and dad

When I graduated from college I knew that I wanted to go to seminary. Yet, I resisted the urge to jump from institution to institution. Instead, I decided to spend my first year out of college living with my parents in Nyack, NY. I don't know how much I expressed this, but my goal was to make sure that i have a strong, adult relationship with my parents. When else in life do we get to choose our location with such ease?

When I look back on this past year I think of a wonderful work situation at Maria Luisa Boutique and well spent time with family and friends. It was a year of becoming grounded and secure in knowing where I come from.

This past week, I caught up with my mom on the phone and, soon after, knew that my goals for the past year have been realized. My mom and dad and I have gotten to enjoy each other, laugh together, have many serious conversations - both all together and in pairs - that have helped us to know and appreciate each other. When my brother has been home from school, I've gotten to spend time with him and see how he's growing and enjoying life. I'm very thankful for this.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Flight of Poets

Pairing six local poets with six local wines.

A friend invited me to his poetry reading at the Hotel Rex. Matthew Seigel is a Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, and moved to San Francsico from NY (hence the connection).

This was my first poetry reading, and was probably the best one that I could have begun with! Flight of Poets was a reading featuring six wonderful poets. For each poet, an "internationally renowned" sommelier (who had a notable stage presence) paired the local poets with six local wines. You were given a wine glass at the door and as each poet read you sipped on a wine chosen specifically to be consumed during the auditory consumption of their poetry. Fantastic.

In addition to the amazing works of my friend (who was the draw in the first place - please check out his website and enjoy it), some favorite lines included...

"my wife loves me as a neighbor"
- Paul Hoover

"I cannot tell anymore when a door opens or closes,
I can only hear the frame saying, Walk through."
- Ada Limon

"is it vanity that makes me see the imperfections in the glass?"
- Robin Ekiss